Mental Health Strategy Workshop

Workshop context and objectives

Mental health is one of the fastest growing employee health and disability risks, and so it is no coincidence that the world’s first international guidelines for managing psychological risks in the workplace have been released this summer.  This complimentary workshop is designed to help GEB clients (global head offices or local subsidiaries) understand the new guidelines, assess their existing practices, and receive practical recommendations on how to build a mental health strategy by identifying their organisation’s specific risks. 


Who should attend? 

We invite anyone in your organisation who has an interest or responsibility for employee wellbeing strategies and risk management; this may include HR, Health and Safety, Risk Managers or senior management.  


Workshop Agenda: 90 MInutes


How to book?

Please complete this form and one of our team will respond to give you more information, schedule a time to suit you, help you decide which colleagues to bring along and refine the agenda according to your business requirements. 


Mental Health Strategy eGuide

Psych Health & Safety Guidelines