50 years accompanying your growth!
Let’s celebrate GEB's anniversary with a look at our history: What happened when…
The Aetna Generali Employee Benefits Network is established in partnership between Generali and the U.S. insurer Aetna
- Soviet Space probe Venera 3 is the first spacecraft to land on another planet’s surface (Venus). NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and David Scott conduct the first docking in space
- The sci-fi tv series Star Trek debuts on on TV in the US
- Maternity leave is introduced in British Columbia. Canada federal government follows suit 5 years later
- The Rolling Stones release Paint it black
- China cultural revolution begins
- GEB first pooling client : 20th Century Fox
- GEB Network covers 17 countries and employs 4 pioneer dedicated professionals
- Douglas Engelbart demonstrates for the first time modern personal computing including the mouse, teleconference, hypertext, word processing & dynamic linker
- Apollo 8 crew are the first humans to see the far side of the Moon and planet Earth as a whole
- Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey is relased in US theatres