Generali FY results 2024

Consolidated Results as of 31 December 2024

Generali overdelivers on “Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth” plan targets and achieves record operating and adjusted net result


Generali Group CEO Philippe Donnet presents the 2024 full-year financial results, which confirm once more Generali’s great shape. Having over-delivered against all financial targets of the “Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth” strategic plan, our Group is today stronger than ever, with its insurance leadership both in Property & Casualty and in Life now combined with a truly global and diversified Asset Management platform.


Continuing to pursue its transformation and diversification as a leading global integrated insurer and asset manager, Generali is now focused on accelerating its pursuit of excellence with the ambitious new plan “Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence”.


  • Gross written premiums increased significantly to € 95.2 billion (+14.9%) with strong growth in Life (+19.2%) and P&C (+7.7%)

  • Life net inflows reached very positive levels at € 9.7 billion, entirely driven by protection and unit-linked. New Business Value grew to € 2.4 billion (+2.3%)

  • Combined Ratio (CoR) maintained at 94.0% (0 p.p.) with an improved undiscounted CoR at 95.9% (-0.8 p.p.) thanks to strong attritional CoR performance

  • Continued growth in operating result to a record € 7.3 billion (+8.2%), led by all business segments with a strong contribution from Asset & Wealth Management 

  • Adjusted net result rose to € 3.8 billion (+5.4%), an all-time record for the Group

  • Total Assets Under Management reached € 863 billion (+31.6%) thanks to positive net inflows and the consolidation of Conning Holdings Limited 

  • Solid capital position, with Solvency Ratio at 210% (220% FY2023), primarily reflecting M&A transactions and the 2024 € 500 million buy-back programme 

  • Proposed dividend per share of € 1.43 (+11.7%) confirms strong focus on increasing shareholder remuneration in the “Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence” plan

Generali Group CEO, Philippe Donnet, said: “Generali achieved excellent results in 2024, over-delivering against our financial targets and successfully bringing our ‘Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth’ strategic plan to a close. The Group today is in the strongest position in its history, demonstrated by our record operating and adjusted net results, achieved thanks to the efforts and commitment of our people and distribution network. We continue to transform and diversify our Group as a leading global integrated insurer and asset manager and are now focused on accelerating our pursuit of excellence. Our ambitious new ‘Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence’ plan will drive strong earnings growth, solid cash generation, and increased shareholder remuneration. This is further boosted by our advanced AI and data capabilities enhancing our ability to consistently capture opportunities from fast-changing customer needs and emerging trends.”

Further information is available in the full press release.