China Health Ecosystem

Since 2015 Generali China Life stepped up its investment in health management to best respond to the health needs of its corporate clients. With its Health Management Platform, Generali has created a dedicated eco-system that combines online and off line continuing support to clients and their members.

The offering can be further tailored around clients’ needs with features, such as HR seminars on health management innovation, and programmes designed for a specific employee population.

Offline services include health workshops and educational initiatives to address key issues such as:

  • Disease awareness and prevention (diabete, hypertension)
  • Lifestyle change (diet, smoking)
  • Worksite healthcare (spinal care, eye care, pandemic etc).

Digital services include the Doctor Online Counselling (available since January 2016), a platform to provide prompt support – individual advice and guidance, tools to monitor and maintain health status, privileged assistance – that will help save time, reduce absence rate, quickly access counselling and reduce health risks.

Features include:

