How to eat healthier at work

Despite starting the day with good intentions for healthy eating, work can sometimes seem like a series of temptations. From cake-filled birthday celebrations to team lunches, it can feel hard to stick to a healthy diet. Fortunately, we’ve got plenty of ways to improve your diet at work, without missing out on any social activities. Check out our top tips on eating healthier at work today!

Starting off with a positive mindset can make all the difference to healthy eating, encouraging you to keep those health-focused habits throughout the day. Begin by eating a nutritious breakfast, which you can have at home or in the office if time is tight—think of easily portable options, such as smoothies and overnight oats.

When those mid-morning cravings hit, make sure you have a selection of tasty and nutritious snacks to hand, rather than sugary snacks which will make you feel sluggish. Why not create a snack box at your desk full of healthy treats? For example, a selection of unsalted nuts or home-baked potato and vegetable chips. When you decide to eat, try to take a break from work and focus on the food, rather than multi-tasking—that way, you’ll enjoy the experience much more. 

Staying hydrated is essential to keeping healthy by helping your body to function optimally, so fill up a large bottle of water at the beginning of the day and mark hourly targets on it, or use an app such as Daily Water to remind yourself to keep drinking. Are you a coffee lover? Why not switch some of those cups for a warming green tea, which is packed with health benefits and gives a more gentle caffeine boost. 

Finally, keeping balanced and a positive attitude are key elements of a healthy lifestyle, so don’t forget to allow yourself treats. Take that small slice of office birthday cake or slice of pizza occasionally, and enjoy it too! You could also bring a healthier option for everyone to try, such as raw brownies, to help your co-workers on their healthy journey too.