How to Sneak in Exercise at Work

Exercise makes us smarter, boosts our energy more than coffee and releases happy hormones. On days when we exercise, our productivity swells as much as 23%. But for many, working prevents workouts, so here's how to streamline your routine by sneaking in exercise at work.

Whether by car, train or bus, your commute is ideal for toning the core. From a seated position, contract your abs as though you're zipping up tight jeans. Slowly exhale, hold for 15 seconds, release and repeat. Squeeze in a brisk walk by parking the car further away or jumping off the train early.

Ten minutes of stair-walking has been shown to raise energy more than coffee, so when you reach work, switch the lift for the stairs. Whenever you can, swap virtual communication for a quick walk to your colleague's desk, and suggest walking meetings.

Time at your desk is time to sculpt the abs and waist. Straighten your legs, lift them off the floor for 15 seconds and lower. Do this repeatedly to activate your core muscles. To work the waist, try seated twists. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders, tighten the core, exhale and twist slowly right and left.

You should also maximise and prioritise your lunch break. Many gyms offer high-intensity interval classes of up to 30 minutes. If that's not an option, go for a jog, do some planks and sit-ups in the park, or try speed walking any errands. Even a casual stroll with a colleague will freshen the mind and lift your afternoon productivity.

Finally, invest in a pedometer to measure your activity levels and use it to set daily, weekly and monthly goals, such as increasing your number of daily steps. This will ensure you stay motivated and incentivised!